If you notice this with your belt, be sure to get it looked at as soon as you can. This will move the tensioner beyond its limit, and your belt will suffer the loss of some material, thus making it difficult to reduce tension and perform well. If your belt is elongated, this is another symptom.Be sure you go in to your mechanic if this happens to you! When water cannot be moved away from the warn belt and from the pulleys, your car may not be able to drive through water, which is scary! This results in a loss of power to your engine and its accessories at times. Hydroplaning is definitely common as well.Your mechanic can also check your brakes to make sure that the timing belt is not adversely affecting them, too. If you hear noise and lots of vibration coming from your engine, then you may have a belt that needs to be replaced. If your mechanic tries to indent the belt and fails, then you know it’s time to get a new belt, and time is of the essence for your car. If your timing belt looks shiny or smooth on the underside, this means that it is wearing down quickly. Your mechanic can check this out, and make sure that your belt doesn’t have excessive cracks on it, which would lead to the belt wearing out and possibly even breaking! Be sure you get your car looked at before it gets to this point! Cracking is a huge symptom, and I hope you won’t let it get this far.If there’s a misalignment, then you’re probably in trouble and need to get it checked out and replaced. Your mechanic will probably be able to see that the belt is worn down on the inside. This usually happens when it’s really hot or when there’s bearing failure. Don’t wait this long, but get it checked first. If you’re pulling a heavy load, you may be unable to move very far, causing the material behind you to pull apart. If the timing belt slips, you’ll be sure to notice it, and it will be more likely to be noticed in wet weather. This neglect can cause further damage to your engine which can cost thousands of dollars. This is why it is important to get your timing belt replaced when it is time to do so! It can be costly, but I encourage you to get it replaced on time, if you can.

The preventative maintenance procedures that we discuss on this website are very important. Symptoms of a malfunctioning timing belt are simple to notice once you are aware of them.