Fixed a crash caused by deleting a Deep Water Pump built at the highest possible level. Fixed a problem with the flooded/not flooded status on rotated Water Wheels. Fixed a problem with “leaking” map edges after placing and removing a water source in the map editor. Fixed performance drops that happened when large numbers of unemployed beavers tried to resupply Breeding Pods with no resources available. Buildings will no longer display “vacant” warnings if they’re paused. Flag workers will now try to move currently carried goods to a warehouse if their flag is paused/destroyed. Fixed rare cases when beavers refused to plant at certain spots. Metal Blocks are now properly saved as “MetalBlock” in savefiles. Fixed a bug with overlapping in-game text. Fixed global height limits on water levels – the water on the map can now be as high as the highest allowed buildings. Fixed Depth Marker’s behaviour when built on a platform. Beehive no longer increases the growth progress of withered crops. Lists of goods (for example in the Distribution Post) are now sorted alphabetically based on the localized names. It is no longer possible to build Floodgates on top of the 3×2 roof. Paper Mill now has a new, symmetrical model that’s easier to use and connect power to. New building: Metal Fence (250 SP, 3 metal blocks). New building: Plank Fence (150 SP, 3 planks). New building: Log Fence (150 SP, 3 logs). Go ahead and customize your settlements further! Also, Paper Mill has a new model. What it means is that it is now possible to reach population well-being of 15.īuildingsWe’ve added three types of decorative fences. Needs previously reserved for adults are now also available to kits. Needs displayed in the Well-being panel and after clicking a beaver are now grouped (for example, Hunger, Thirst, and Sleep are now Basic needs). No spoilers yet, but it will be something tasty. #TIMBERBORN LARGE WATER WHEEL UPDATE#
Needs system rework, part 1There’s a large content update coming that will make good use of the updated needs system, and we’re already preparing for that.
Icons related to the currently active tip will now blink. It is still focused on the basic aspects of running your settlement so let us know how you find it after the changes! Improved tutorial We’ve updated the tutorial. #TIMBERBORN LARGE WATER WHEEL PATCH#
Here is the official patch notes list for Timberborn Oct. 7 Update has been added in the following section. All the relevant information regarding Timberborn Oct. The actual file size of this patch hasn’t been revealed yet.
The latest patch is available as a mandatory download on all supported platforms. Moreover, the developers have announced that the game will be receiving a crash fix update real soon. This latest patch primarily brings three new decorative fences, a new model of Paper Mill, additional tips to the tutorial, and many more gameplay changes. 7 Update, and we have the complete patch notes for you to read. Mechanistry has just deployed the Timberborn Oct. Apex Legends Mobile Characters Tier List.What Happens if You Kill The Tutorial Boss?.What Happens if You Save Ranni the Witch?.What Happens if You Kill White Faced Varre?.Where to go After Beating the Fire Giant?.
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