Teachers worldwide are choosing Lightbot first when introducing their students to programming. Lightbot, loops terminate automatically once the level is complete and all the tiles are lit. Lightbot lets players gain a practical understanding of basic concepts like instruction sequencing, procedures and loops, just by guiding a robot to light up tiles and solve levels.
Lightbot is a programming puzzle game it uses game mechanics that are firmly rooted in programming concepts. This fun build involves a lot of experimenting with code to get wheel patterns and the light level correct. explore levels 1 4 of Lightbot Hour of Code and discuss solutions for level 4. Lightbot - Code Hour is meant to introduce kids who have no experience whatsoever programming, and is all-ages friendly! That means anyone anywhere from K to 12 can play, have fun and learn real programming logic!

Even though lvl 5 is hard to is just amazing My 5-6 year old brothers are using it. Jump: Makes your bot jump on one square up/down and forward. Get kids programming in the most fun way: by solving puzzles in a videogame! Lightbot : Code Hour App Tips, Tricks, Cheats and Rules.