"Steal My Sunshine" by Len - This recognizable 90s pop hit serves as the score for Pam and Tommy's shotgun wedding on the beach of Cancun. "Total Eclipse of the Heart" by Nicki French - French's upbeat cover of "Total Eclipse of the Heart," made famous by Bonnie Tyler, plays as Tommy and Pam return to the club. Related: How Rand Broke Into Pam & Tommy's House: Was He Really Disguised As A Dog? "Hurdy Gurdy Man" by Donovan - This is the song that plays as Pam and Tommy bathe together for the first time. Many films and shows, such as Synchronic, depict drug use using audio and visual cues like this. "Just When I Thought I'd Seen It All" by Archie Thompson - As in the previous club scene, Pam & Tommy switches to a softer song once the titular couple are interacting one-on-one, perhaps reflecting their altered state after taking ecstasy. "Tootsie Roll" by 69 Boyz - After Tommy is kicked out of a bar for not following the dress code, he and Pam visit a rowdy nightclub where "Tootsie Roll" is playing. "Feel Like A Man" by Captain & Tenille - "Feel Like a Man" plays alongside Pamela's arrival in Cancun, for a meeting with syndicators that she plans to use as a tropical vacation.

Related: What Pam & Tommy Should Leave Out From The True Story Like the song "Nowhere to Run," Pam perceives a potentially threatening situation as romantic. "Nowhere to Run" by Martha Reeves & The Vandellas - This song accompanies a montage where Tommy continually calls Pam. Future episodes of Pam & Tommy will show how well-founded their concerns were. "I Will Give You" by Beds and Beats - Pam & Tommy uses this song as Pam's friends plead with her not to start dating Tommy, recognizing a pattern in her relationship.